
18 Game Reviews

2 w/ Responses


At first I had decent expectations but the controls are so rigid and unresponsive that the game suffers for it.

Not to mention it's ridiculously short and tedious.

Thank You

10 stars is far too few to express how much I loved and still love this game.

I love everything this game is about and how you executed it. The gameplay is simple and addictive with lots of character and style.

However, my favorite part of the game is how you grow attached to all your characters. In my first class I had a young girl, Emil. She grew into the premier Magi Lancer and I even kept her as long as I could. I was genuinely disheartened when I lost her and had to pick up the pieces. I really felt like the principal of a school losing his favorite student.

I watch each student grow and I feel like they are a character with a story, a character I raised and created.

This is the kind of game I would buy on for my DS.

Thank you good sir, this is now my favorite Newgrounds game of all time.


I believe it isn't possible to catch the butterfly, though i'm not sure.

If so this flash is a great analogy for futility and the art style exudes personality and warmth.

I loved the music too.


I found it to be something very emotive and real. it wasn't a love story, so much as it was an interaction story, a story about dependence and reliance. I felt something very real in the words used and the interactions used. It wasn't a story about finding true love and living happily ever after. it was about compromise, relenting, or maybe, if the decisions were made, freedom.

I particularly enjoyed the idea that seperating was the best way to go. Struggling to keep the relationship alive led to somber victories that felt more like defeats. Although he enjoys Leigh's company, he understands his entrapment by her and knows he has to break free. That's why, contrary to the standard, pursuing togetherness and love is the defeat. Finding freedom and new beginnings, growing up, that's the victory.

It treats relationships, especially among teens, in a way much more realistic than teens themselves are willing to accept. it deals with an issue all of us as users on NG deal with. Issues with interaction, and finding companionship, otherwise we wouldn't be here right? It's artistic games like this that remind me that the human mind is capable of incredible comprehension and understanding, and also that it's capable of deceiving itself to make things real, when they just aren't.

Leigh embodies the attachments, the choking pressure on the protagonist, to remain with her, because he thinks he needs her.

In the end I think it's a story about realization and bravery. Facing the world and breaking free of old ties, ties that have become poisonous and stunts his growth.

Thank you, for an enlightening experience. :)

Simply Incredible

In all my years watching and partaking in the art that is flash i've not seen something this emotionally powerful.

From the very beginning I felt something for the family. Whether it was the young girl who had bravely chosen to treat me with compassion rather than run or shun me. Or the boy who offered me food and trusted me with is well being, riding on my back. But most affecting were the parents, rationally thinking people who despite the fact that I am strange, accept me and entrust me with the saftey of not only themselves, but the entire family.

When the bullets flew I fought to save the family, I genuinely cared about their well being. Even moreso following my crushing failure to save the father and son. As I watched the women weep I renewed my quest with added ferver. No matter how slowly I paced I never gave up.

When I finally fell and watched tears and snowfall rain down on my body I wasn't sad. Despite everything I felt like I had saved a life, that I had helped someone.

Then I remembered it was just a game, and that it was a game, that had affected me this much.

Thank you very much for the experience.

acrazycanadian responds:

ImmorTall is a game about the people who play it and how they choose to respond. People will see what they want to see. They expose themselves in the comments box.

If you found it that moving and uplifting, especially right from the start, I think that says good things about your character, personally.

Best Game

I would say that this is the best game I have played on Newgrounds.

Sporting an astounding amount of character and detail the game immediately immerses me in it's world.

However, the most impressive and frustrating part of the game is it's physics. Slipping, tripping, falling: everything is so expertly crafted to appear clumsy and laborious. It's endlessly aggravating but looks great every time.

This is the best Obstacle Course game ever I can guarantee you.

On a side note: I recently watched Mastermind 4 for the first time and saw that Mister Beautiful was in it. Does that make this part of the Mastermind canon?

Either way it was a cool reference.

Good game

My only problem is that I can't see the enitre screen at once, making it very hard to keep track of my guy.

I oftentimes veer out of sight and end up taking damage or dying

Incredibly inventive

I love the idea and the expert execution you put into combining Tetris with Mario

It can be a little bothersome trying to stack blocks while enemies and the camera keep making it harder than it is.

Regardless it's one of the coolest and most innovative games i've seen

Feel free to lead off at any time!


King of Games

Duel Academy


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